Simple solar spectrometer

Aerosol content in the atmosphere is critical factor that influences the amount of the light pollution in the night. Hence, the accurate knowledge of the aerosol parameters is crucial for the interpretation of the light pollution levels. A simple method of determining the aerosol content is based on the gathering a set of solar spectra during the day.

Our simple solar spectrometer is based on OceanOptics USB650 spectrometer. Due to high intensity of the solar light a gray filter was added in front of the spectrometer.

More details about the method of getting aerosol content from solar spectra are in our JQSRT paper.

Read more about the construction of the spectrometer and its features.
Download the files needed for 3D-printing of the plastic parts.
Download Java-program (GUI) to control the spectrometer.
OceanOptics OmniDriver has to be installed first.


František Kundracik
Department of Experimental Physics
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Comenius University
Bratislava, Slovakia