Fundamental physics group

at the Department of theoretical physics,
Comenius University, Bratislava

Our research

We are a part of the team at the Department of theoretical physics at the Faculty of mathematics, physics and informatics of the Comenius University in Bratislava. Out colleagues work on the topics from particle physics, gravitation and cosmology.


For decades, scientists have been looking for a unified theory of all fundamental forces of nature. Even though there have been many important and illuminating ideas, the final answer to this question is still out of sight.
We are however sure that at the scales where both the quantum phenomena and curvature of the space time play a significant role, our standard physical notions and approaches need to be changed.
Our team works on topics related to the search of these new notions and approaches. Most notably problems in noncommutative geometry, fuzzy field theory and mathematical objects in the formulation of string theory.


Members of the group are currently supported by:

  • VEGA 1/0025/23 - Matrix models and quantum gravity
  • VEGA 1/0703/20 - Quantum structure of spacetime,
  • UK/410/2020 and UK/335/2020 grants,
  • the Department of theoretical physics, FMFI UK,
  • Anton Zajac.
We are very grateful for all this support.

Recent publications

Our most recent publications and preprints are

  • B. Bukor, J. Tekel
    Eur. Phys. J. Plus 138, 499 (2023), arXiv
  • D. Prekrat, D. Ranković, N. K. Todorović-Vasović, S. Kováčik & J. Tekel
    JHEP 01 (2023) 109, arXiv
  • H. Steinacker, J. Tekel - String modes, propagators and loops on fuzzy spaces
    JHEP 06 (2022) 136, arXiv
  • S. Kováčik, J. Tekel - Eigenvalue-flipping algorithm for matrix Monte Carlo
    JHEP 04 (2022) 149, arXiv
  • M. Šubjaková, J. Tekel - Beyond second-moment approximation in fuzzy-field-theory-like matrix models
    JHEP 02 (2022) 065, arXiv
  • S. Kováčik - Hawking-Radiation Recoil of Microscopic Black Holes
    Phys.Dark Univ. 34 (2021) 100906, arXiv
  • M. Šubjaková, J. Tekel - Multitrace matrix models of fuzzy field theories
    PoS CORFU2019 (2020) 234, arXiv
  • M. Šubjaková, J. Tekel - Fuzzy field theories and related matrix models
    PoS CORFU2019 (2020) 189, arXiv
  • J. Boháčik, P. Prešnajder, P. Augustín - Time dependent propagator for an-harmonic oscillator with quartic term in potential
    J. Math. Phys. 62, 023501 (2021), arXiv
  • M. Šubjaková, J. Tekel - Second moment fuzzy-field-theory-like matrix models
    J. High Energ. Phys. 2020, 88 (2020), arXiv
  • S. Beznák, P. Prešnajder - Some oscillatory representations of fuzzy conformal group SU(2,2) with positive energy
For a complete list of the publications click here.


Teaching is an integral part of our work at the Comenius University. Our members give several important courses in the graduate and post-graduate programs. For more information see the program websites.

Groups members

Current group members include

Contact Us

Mlynska Dolina
842 48 Bratislava, Slovakia